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Phone: 208-557-2570 | Fax: 208-557-2571 | Located at the East End Entrance of Mountain View Hospital

What is Hyperbaric Medicine?

Medical treatment in which the patient’s entire body is placed under increased atmospheric pressure, in a pressurized chamber, while breathing 100% oxygen. Through a series of daily treatments, the building of new blood vessels into damaged tissue is enhanced. This method of treatment is proven effective for non-healing wound, osteomyelitis that does not respond to standard treatment, problem surgical wounds, and skin grafts and flaps that are having trouble healing. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is also helpful with patients experiencing complications from radiation therapy. In about 80% of cases, significant healing is seen. Remember, good wound oxygenation is essential for wound healing. Oxygen influences angiogenesis, epithelialization, and resistance to infection.

Caused by inhaling poisonous gas, which can build up in homes, buildings, garages, automobiles, etc. due to inadequate ventilation of furnaces, engines, stoves, fireplaces, etc.

Non-healing wounds complicated by secondary effects of diabetes. One study showed 80% of diabetic ulcers recurred within three months without HBOT compared to only a 20% recurrence within five years with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Are caused by swelling and/or inadequate blood flow to grafts/flaps.

Caused by sudden loss of blood flow due to a clot or blockage in an artery leading to loss of limbs.

Caused by "flesh-eating" bacteria, which progressively destroy tissues.

Crushing can result in a lack of blood flow to the soft tissues of the body.

Caused by sudden loss of blood flow to an extremity due to injury.

Caused by poison-producing bacteria that destroy tissues.

Caused by radiation damage to the bones from cancer treatment.

Caused by the persistent bone infection often leading to amputation.

Caused by radiation damage to the bowels, bladder or skin from cancer treatment.

The "bends" occurs in scuba diving accidents from ascending too quickly.

The obstruction of a blood vessel by a gas bubble, which can occur in surgery, ICU patients, and scuba divers.

Cyanide gas is released in fires from carpet, sofas, other household, and various industrial materials.

An infection of the sinuses or airways.