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During your pregnancy, you may experience many changes. We've created a timeline to help you track all of the milestones and give you an idea of what to expect over the next 40 weeks.

First Trimester

First Prenatal Visit

It is recommended to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you learn you are pregnant.

First Ultrasound

This typically happens at your first scheduled appointment and is the first time you get to "see" your baby!

Week 7, your baby is now the size of a blueberry.

First Trimester Woes

For many women, morning sickness can begin around six weeks. You may also experience food aversions or cravings.

Sweet Sounds

Hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time is special and helps distract you from any first trimester woes you are experiencing. Typically, this happens after you are at least ten weeks along.

Week 12, your baby is the size of a plum and is starting to grow fingernails and toenails.

You've Made it Through the First Trimester

This usually provides a sense of relief for moms since most miscarriages happen during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Second Trimester

Time to Announce

Many expecting parents wait until the second trimester to share their pregnancy news with family and friends.

Week 16, your baby is now the size of an avocado. They can make a fist and even suck their thumb!

Unsolicited Advice

Once friends and family learn you're pregnant, you'll likely get a lot of well-meaning advice. Prepare yourself.

Body Changes

Your body will gradually expand through pregnancy. You often start to notice these changes in the second trimester.

You're Having a…

Most parents will find out if they are having a boy or girl sometime between 18 to 21 weeks.

Was That a Kick?!

If you feel nudging or fluttering sensations in the second trimester, you're experiencing your baby moving.

Week 24, your baby is as long as an ear of corn and is starting to practice breathing in the womb.

Make a Birth Plan

If you haven't already made a birth plan, now is an excellent time to start!


Third Trimester

First Contraction

Contractions are one of the first signs you're going into labor. Get your hospital bag ready, so that you can leave at a moment's notice.

Week 33, your baby is now the size of a pineapple!

See You Next Week

Starting at 36 weeks, you'll start having weekly appointments with your doctor, so that they can keep a closer eye on you and your baby.


It's natural for moms to get their homes ready to welcome their little ones. Just in case your baby decides to come a little early or you get too uncomfortable to work on decorating, you may want to aim to have your nursery ready to go by week 36.

Week 40, your baby now may be the size of a watermelon and is ready to be welcomed into the world.

It's Go Time!

The big day is finally here. Remember, you've got this, and we've got you.