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Notice of Data Security Incident


Junior Volunteer Application Form

We require a minimum of 100 hours within a 12 month period to become a volunteer

As a student I understand that I may use volunteer time towards my Senior Project, but must maintain the 100 hour commitment. Student services must be contact at to start the process.
Reference 1
Reference 2
Time Available

I understand I must submit to a reference check as well as a medical screening through Employee Health for the purpose of determining volunteer status. I will commit to volunteer 2-4 hours each week with the goal of reaching at least 100 hours within a 12 month period. If I do not meet this requirement, I understand that no letter of recommendation will be issued for my service. I understand that it is my responsibility to read and follow MVH-IFCH rules/regulations and volunteer description for my assignment. I will perform my duties to the bets of my ability.

By signing below you are confirming that the above information is true to the best of your knowledge.