The Beat - Week 37

Quote of the Day
"Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you." – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Fun Facts
Most natural diamonds are formed at high temperature and pressure at depths of 140 to 190 kilometers (87 to 118 mi) in the Earth's mantle. Carbon-containing minerals provide the carbon source, and the growth occurs over periods from 1 billion to 3.3 billion years (25% to 75% of the age of the Earth).
Word of The Day
Photo/Video of The Week
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Remember, reflect and honor the 18th anniversary of 9/11. Share in our commitment to never forget...
(Have a fun photo you would like to share in The Beat? Submit it here or email
Patient Feedback

News From Administration
We would like to announce that Community Care Westside is also charging a $10 copay for a doctor’s visit.
For those employees not on MVH health insurance, your copay is based on the contract that your insurance has with Community Care Westside.
Payroll has a new general email
New fax number for payroll is 208.542.4253
All employees should check their last paystub to ensure all their benefits that they have signed up for are being deducted accordingly.
Updated information on our courier names, schedules, and phone numbers. Please also see Mountain View’s Policy on courier's scope of services to be rendered. We are happy to help your departments in any way we can.
News From HR
News From Quality Assurance
News From POC
Remember to complete your Learning Journeys! Stages 1 through 3 are now open for those who’s Journeys have been assigned. We are starting to gather data regarding stage completion for all employees, so if you hear from a manager regarding the completion (or lack thereof) of your Journey, you’ll know why!
For those of you who are still waiting, hold your breath for just a few more days! Everyone should have their Learning Journeys assigned by the end of this week. If not, please contact Aimee Boyd in Point of Care; see the Signature Line below for her contact information.
Also, please contact Aimee with any problems you may have when signing in or technical issues with the Cerner Learning Portal. Good luck and enjoy your Learning Journey!
Education Updates
Mentoring Classes
Last week, Education hosted mentoring classes for prospective mentors at Mountain View Hospital and several clinics. It was an amazing time of collaboration, story sharing, and good advice from the Education team and all of our wonderful participants! Do you have what it takes to be a great mentor? Stay tuned for more upcoming mentoring classes. We hope to see you at the next class!
Behind the Scenes with HealthStream
Are you a leader or educator who needs administrative access to HealthStream? Several workshop sessions have been added to the catalog in HealthStream. Email with a list of things you will need to access from an administrative standpoint in HealthStream, and log in to register for your workshop today! Search “workshop” in the catalog and choose your preferred date and time. We are looking forward to assisting you!
News From Payroll
Payroll has a new general email
New fax number for payroll is 208.542.4253
All employees should check their last paystub to ensure all their benefits that they have signed up for are being deducted accordingly.
Employees, if you miss a punch please leave the missed punch as a missed punch and Use the Add Punch Change Request from your timecard.
• Enter the correct date, Punch Details – In Day, Out Lunch, etc., Add the time, and reason
•. Click Add Request
• DO NOT clock in and out (double punch) at the end of your shift
Worked hours and On Call hours cannot be greater than 24 hours. On call hours would need to be adjusted for a total to equal 24 hours.
Timecard approval and requests can be done from any device that is supports the internet.
Managers, please DO NOT Mass Approve timecards - missed punches, double punches, and worked / on-call hours more than 24 hours for a day need to be addressed. The only exception to more than 24 hours a day would be Cash Outs for PTO.
News From IT
News About PolicyStat
The Mountain View Hospital Policy Manual is available electronically through the intranet home page. Each policy has been developed to ensure that MVH performs to the highest standards of service and healthcare, therefore it is essential that these guidelines are communicated throughout the organization. MVH employees will be assigned policies through the PolicyStat program where they will be required to read and acknowledge understanding of each allocated policy and its progressive updates.
To locate what policies are assigned to you:
1. Log into the "PolicyStat (Policy & Procedures Manual)" on the MVH intranet home page.
(An email notification will be sent from the program once the assignment has been made, you can follow that link.)
2. Refer to the "Home" tab and scroll down to the "Policies Awaiting Acknowledgment" section.
3. Click on the header to access your assigned policy documents. Open each policy*, read through it and click the blue button on the bottom I have read and understood this policy.
*If there are questions regarding information contained in any policy, please direct them first to your manager, then to the policy’s owner.