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Welcome to The Beat

In this newsletter, we'll share company-wide news, including upcoming events, birthdays, spotlights, department news, and more. 

This newsletter is designed to be informative and collaborative. Do you have a fun story, positive patient feedback, or a funny work picture? Use the form on this page to submit!

Check back on The Beat's main page for more updates. 

Quote of the Month

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."

Michael Jordan

Referral Opportunities

We're Hiring!

We have a lot of job openings at the hospitals and across our affiliate clinics. If you know of anyone looking for new opportunity, point them to our job page to browse through our current opportunities. You may even be eligible for a referral bonus!

Wondr Health Webinar 2023

Research shows that the more we practice accepting ourselves as we are, the easier it becomes to make – and maintain – healthy changes. But the lighter layers that come with the summer season (we’re looking at you, tank tops, shorts, and swimsuits) can be stress-inducing, especially in a society that promotes unrealistic standards for “perfect” bodies. Clinical psychologist and Wondr Health instructor Dr. Dana Labat will share strategies to help you move from body negativity to body neutrality – and eventually body positivity. See how you can level up your self-talk to strengthen your body image, as well as get practical, in-the-moment tools you can take to the beach, at the pool, in a dressing room, or anywhere in between.

You’ll learn:
  • Learn how to switch up your self-talk to better support a healthy body image and get comfortable in your own skin.
  • See how you can use self-compassion to balance out the habit of self-criticism and constant comparisons to others.
  • Try on in-the-moment techniques for taking “dressing room stress” down a notch as you begin to appreciate all your body does for you every day.
  • Redefine your own summer to focus on the activities and people you enjoy most this time of year.

Lagoon Days 2023 Season

Commitment to Excellence

First Quarter, 2023

Shani Jewkes—WINNER!

I would like to nominate Shani Jewkes, RN for the commitment to excellence award. Shani has been a nurse in L&D since 2020. I am nominating Shani because she one of the most selfless, compassionate people I know. Not only does she go above and beyond for her friends and co-workers, but she does even more so for our patients. Shani has taken on an unofficial role of fetal demise/infant death support nurse on the labor and delivery unit and has put so much extra time into helping those families with such a difficult time in their lives. Shani stays after her night shifts and comes in when she is not scheduled to help these mourning families in so many ways. She helps make hand and foot molds, she has put baskets together, and overall just offers her presence. In addition to going above and beyond for our patients in this way, she is just as caring with everyone she knows. She is always willing to help out wherever she can, no matter how busy she is. We are all so lucky to have Shani as a friend and co-worker. Mountain View Hospital is lucky to have such an amazing person so committed to the well-being of each and every patient she takes care of.

Melissa Vasquez—RUNNER UP!

I would like to nominate Melissa Vasquez, who works in the financial department at Teton Cancer Institute in Idaho Falls. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2020 while living in Arizona, and moved here to Idaho Falls in September 2021. I am in remission and still receive maintenance treatment every 28 days to keep me in remission. When I moved from Arizona to Idaho, I had to get COBRA insurance to carry myself and my family from one insurance to the other with my employers. I was quite nervous about the transition, mainly because I know how much my treatments cost if there is any lapse in insurance. Everything seemed to go well until it didn’t.

Months down the road, Melissa let me know that my COBRA insurance was asking for payment back on things they had previously paid for. Long story, made short my insurance coverage through COBRA became a big nightmare, and I indeed ended up getting lost in the mix of an insurance transition. During the last several months, Melissa has been my biggest support. She has looked into my account for me several times. She has kept me updated on progress. She has encouraged me along the way, when my battle with COBRA seemed unbearable. I have been able to turn to Melissa for support with my patient account, again and again. Every time I turned to her for information or questions, she was there to help me with a great attitude and smile on her face. My insurance nightmare has now been corrected and I am finally seeing a light at the end of a long brutal tunnel. I never felt alone on that path, I knew I had Melissa to help support me all along the way. I am so grateful for her professionalism, knowledge of insurance, and devotion to me, her patient. I want to nominate Melissa, because she is definitely Committed to Excellence.


I would like to nominate Amelia Lopez in PFC. She has not been here at MVH for very long, but she has such an infectious personality and is always so happy. She does all of the IFCH admits and checks for pre auths for IFCH. She trained for about a week and she happily jumped right in. She is a single mom and works so hard for her kids, she is a joy to be around and is always so pleasant towards patients and co-workers. She is also the only bilingual (Spanish speaking) in PFC and does what she can to help our Spanish speaking patients. She always comes to work with a positive attitude and is ready to take on the day. She never speaks ill of anyone and truly cares about each and every patient that she comes into contact with. She is a great employee and I think she is a great asset to our company.

I would like to nominate Dixie Mcfarlane she has been an urgent care and family practice nurse with Mountain View for over 20 years. She has always gone above and beyond for not only the providers, management and other staff but for patients. She takes the time and she cares even on her days off to make sure all is taken care of. Our clinic has unfortunately been lost in all the other bigger better clinics with newer management and staff like myself, but she has always been there even through the loss of her husband. Dixie never asks for anything in return and always puts her best foot forward. She knows and teaches and willingly shares all her nursing skills to anyone who asks. There is never any judgement and she treats all with respect and kindness. We need a shift covered she will be there. I have a question she gives the answer. Dixie will be 70 in April and she has tried to retire yet her compassion and desire and loyalty to help and support us and our patients keeps her going strong. I would love for her to be recognized as an outstanding employee. I hope to one day be as knowledgeable and giving as she is; she exemplifies the definition of an amazing nurse and human being. Thank you for your time in reading my nomination.

I would like to Nominate Rilee Gould, MA at Rexburg Pediatrics. In Pediatrics it truly takes a special person to make these kids as comfortable as possible. Rilee has this touch. I love seeing her interact with the kids. She makes the visits smooth, and always goes above and beyond to make these kids feel comfortable. She is so fun to work with and is so good to the kids. She makes the work atmosphere a good one. Rilee pays attention to every detail, and makes sure our kiddos get the best possible care. She is going to school to get her RN, and we are so proud of her. She will truly make an incredible nurse. We are so lucky to have her in our clinic. She truly deserves to be recognized.

I would like to nominate Alex Winger, LPN(Almost RN!!) at Rexburg Pediatrics. She is an amazing nurse who always gives our peds patients the best possible care. She is always willing to help no matter how busy she is. She never makes a patient wait, and is always thinking of others. She has come back to work for an hour after she went to get her own child who was sick from her babysitter, because another nurse had to leave due to weather/road conditions. Alex always greets you with a smile, and is always happy to help. She makes the days go by smooth. I am always happy when I get to work with Alex. She is almost done getting her RN, and I know that she will continue to be an incredible nurse! We are so lucky to have her in our clinic! I truly think she deserves to be recognized!

I would like to nominate Sam Wright at Community Care West for the Commitment to Excellence. He is always going above and beyond for example, he will stay later with front staff so no one has to leave alone. He is so kind to patients, we have a few that want him to be there PCP. He is the definition of a team player always willing to help a fellow provider. I think Sam deserves to win!

2nd Nomination

Sam Wright goes above and beyond to help everybody. If we ask him for a favor he is always willing to help out and do the best that he can. He does very well with patients and I’ve heard lots of good things about him from his patients. He will ask the staff if we need help closing for the night, and will stay till we’re done closing so we can all leave together to be safe. He’ll pick up extra shifts last minute when other providers call out sick and can’t come in. He’s great and were glad that he’s a provider here!!!

I want to nominate a coworker at Pain and Spine Specialist named John Garza.
He is very hardworking and stays busy throughout the day, but that has never stopped him from taking the time to pull someone aside and compliment them or lend a helping hand. He is someone I admire greatly for his hard work, dedication and kindness. He's also the coolest person at this office.

I would like to Nominate Carrie Walker. She is a nurse in the population health department in Care Coordination, Not only does she do her normal duties, but she is a huge resource in our department. I have on numerous occasions asked her for help to try to figure something out in Cerner. She has walked me through different processes on multiple occasions with a smile on her face, even though she is super busy. She also coordinates pot lucks, and fun get to know your coworkers games, and friendly competitions in the area and does BOO at the Zoo every year. I full heartily believe that this woman is a miracle worker and defiantly deserves the recognition

I would like to nominate Krista Mourea. She is an MA that works with me at the Neurology and Sleep Specialists. She is a hardworking single mother, who goes above and beyond for her patients and coworkers. She will drop what she's doing to help you. She is going to school to become an RN. She has a lot on her plate but it never effects her work. She is always a joy to be around. She will go the extra mile to help everyone around her.

She not only goes above and beyond in her job but also after her job is over. She helps anyone in the clinic whether she was assigned for the job or not. She doesn't complain about it at all she just jumps in and helps get it done. She helps the nurses room patients, she helps the front staff with any questions they have or needs that they are unable to meet. She comes in before anyone else to help get the clinic get ready for the day and she will even come in on her days off to help out. If a nurse or any other staff members has questions about a family practice patient that she knows on her day of she is still willing to help out on her personal time. She is very dedicated to the clinic and is very deserving of this reward. She knows a majority of the patients by heart and can tell you about them, there health, and what their treatment plans are since the Dr. had started seeing them. She is one amazing MA.

I would like to nominate Kris Long – she always goes above and beyond with her job and is always willing to help co-workers and even take on tasks that may not be her responsibility.

Where do I even start with him? He has helped me through personal things and things in the clinic as a nurse. He helped me with my son when I almost lost him. He knows each and every patient by heart and he gets on a personal level and that is why his patients love him and continue to come to him. When a diagnoses for a patient that is not a good outcome he will personal make time out of his day to have the patient come in and tell them his self and he will sit and cry with them and explain and come up with the best treatment plan he can. He helps out where he can and when he can, even on his days off. He will sit with any medical staff in the clinic and explain the diagnosis that we don't understand in terms so we can understand. He teaches us as we go.

He has also helped me personally on many levels and helped when I almost lost my son. He has helped me learn and achieve many things I didn't think I could achieve. He goes above and beyond for every staff member in this clinic. He will make sure we are all taken care of before his self. He makes sure our health and personal needs are met and we are all mentally and physically ok. If he notices we are having a hard day. He will take time out of his day to sit down and ask how we are doing and if there is anything in his power he could to make it better. He treats his patients with love and kindness and he also gets on levels with them so they understand their diagnosis and teaches as he goes.

I would like to nominate Keisha Childress for the Commitment to Excellence award. She ALWAYS has a smile on her face, no matter what she is going through, and makes it a priority to make every single person feel part of the team. Not only that, she goes above and beyond for our patients, making sure she is prompt and punctual in getting them set up with the services they need. She is AMAZING and deserves to be recognized for all of her hard efforts.

I would like to nominate Chris Trubl, who is a nurse educator in Education, for the Commitment to Excellence award. He has spent hours helping run mock codes to help our staff prepare for real Rapid Responses or Code Blues. He has helped with the mock codes at all hours of the day from early morning (5AM) or night (11 PM) after already working his full day in Education teaching and including weekends. He also helps facilitate mock codes in the clinics and will take all of the notes that are taken during the clinic codes and compile them into a report that is scored and sent to the clinics and administration be used as a learning event. Chris is a great example of Commitment to Excellence.

I would like to nominate Catherine Mooso for the commitment to excellence award. Catherine is an RN in the Labor and Delivery department at MVH. She is a great example of what an advocate for your patient's should be. One specific example is from this last week. We had a patient who spoke a different language than any of the nurses and it was difficult to communicate with her. Catherine took the time to figure out what was really going on with the patient rather than just giving her more medications, and by the end of our shift she was much more comfortable and grateful for our help. Catherine always goes above and beyond for her patients, and is always willing to help out her fellow nurses. She is an amazing example to everyone and reminds us that if we take a little extra time, we can make a huge impact in the lives of our patients.

I would like nominate Megan Grundy for doing outstanding work. She is always so kind to all those patients and family members. Always up beat no matter how over loaded she is with work. It’s very nice to see this at the hospital.

​Dave does such a great job of keeping not only our area clean, but many surrounding areas clean and stocked. Whenever we need something, he is always quick to respond and sees that we are taken care of to ensure we are able to focus on our patients. He regularly helps with other areas as well, covering when fellow EVS staff are unable to come in, taking on their duties as well as his own. When Dave is on, we know that things will be cleaned in a timely manner, garbage’s emptied, linens stocked, and our area kept spick & span. Dave is also fun to work with and we enjoy having him in charge of our area and getting to interact with him each day!

I just wanted to let you know how great Brian Ziel is. I was discharging a patient and I had a cart with their belongings in it and I needed some extra hands to push the cart so that I could push the wheelchair with the patient in it. I ran inside to grab a familiar face and there I saw Brian who was finishing up something with the canned food drive. I asked him if he would be so kind to help me push the cart while I helped the patient out the door and he didn't hesitate, he smiled and said "absolutely!! I would love to”, and he helped me with the cart. I was so amazed at how someone who's title isn't in direct patient care could stop what he's doing to help me a "CNA" with discharging a patient. He really did go above and beyond, and I just had to tell someone what a great person he is!!

2nd Nomination

Brian Ziel recently saw a post on Facebook regarding a local young man that was being bullied at school. Brian took it upon himself to make this young man feel better about himself and to be recognized for the good human he is. Brian made arrangements for this young man, his best friend, and his parents to attend a couple of Hockey Games at the Mountain America Center. He also made arrangements for a hockey jersey and for the members of the Spud Kings to sign the jersey. He also arranged a meet and greet with the boy’s favorite Spud King player. Brian also arranged for the boy to get to be out on the ice in front of the crowd to be recognized. All of this really put a smile on the boy’s face and made some great memories with his family. Brian really went above and beyond for a member of our community who was in need and went out of his way to lift him up. Brian could’ve just kept on scrolling and quickly forgotten about this young man. Instead he put a lot of effort into making sure that this boy felt something besides fear and anxiety. I feel Brian really did do the right thing for the community in lifting up one of our members.

She always goes above and beyond for her team answering any questions and always takes care of pts so well! Thank you!

I have worked with Michelle for almost 9 years and she is one of the most dedicated Mountain View employees. Her work is pretty much un-seen because she has an office in the basement of the Teton Cancer Institute, but that doesn't mean that her work in unimportant or unappreciated. She is always friendly, happy and more than willing to help. The majority of her job includes making sure that the insurance claims for our patients, who have cancer, get paid. She also works on insurance authorizations for different studies that those same cancer patients have to go through. I've asked her before how she stays so happy and positive after dealing with insurance companies all day and her response is that she does it for our patients. Michelle is a wonderful employee and Mountain View is so lucky to have her as their "hidden weapon"

LuAnn is a kind and dedicated employee and supervisor. Our scheduling department has been short staffed and LuAnn has gone above and beyond to not only fulfill the duties of her role but also to help all those around her. She comes in early and stays late to assist the team and provide the best care to our patients. She will jump through hoops for her team and her patients to give them the support they need. She is always kind and patient. As a supervisor her hands-on approach to training demonstrates that with kindness, willingness to learn, and dedication our team succeeds in providing excel care to patients. I am going through some hard things in my personal life right now and LuAnn has been such a kind and avid advocate for my personal wellbeing and the wellbeing of my family. LuAnn is a shining example of excellence in an employee and in a person! I feel her dedication to the job and of course our patients deserves recognition.

I am wanting to nominate Tina Ackerman, She is one of the most caring managers mountain view has. She gets to know each employees likes and dislikes. Tina truly is a caring person in general and willing to help out any person or Department, that is why her motto is if anyone asks we never say no; we find the answer or direct them to someone that can.

Stefanie Rogers for recently assuming the leadership role for Accounts Payable in Finance. She has been great assisting everyone and sharing her experience to make us all better.

I would like to nominate my supervisor, Jill Huffman, as a person of excellence. She works extra to make sure that people get the time off they request, that the doctors have the exact tool they want, and that everyone is happy with their job. She is easy to talk to and listens to any issues you might have and tries her best to fix them.

I would like to nominate Ryan Nuttall and recognize him for his efforts. If Ryan were not here we would be in a world of hate and discontent. I have to say he truly is the reason why the software systems of oracle and Cerner work properly. There are not many weeks that we don’t have something major that doesn’t function properly and Ryan is quick to recognize, diagnose, and fix whatever the problem is. I am not going to say this about anyone else but I have to remind Ryan to go home. He goes above and beyond all the time. Ryan’s attitude is so positive as well. He is the one to say yes I will do that for you and is a great example to all of us. Thank you for considering Ryan Nuttall.

I would like to nominate Jackie Merrill for the award. Since she has become the manager of the Peri-Op area, she has helped to bring the staff more together. She has also stood up for the nurses and staff when there were problems or concerns. She is always concerned with staff's own personal life and works hard to help accommodate work schedule if time is needed off. She definitely has improved our department. These are just some of the reasons I would like to nominate Jackie for this.

I would like to nominate Torrie Lewis, my office manager, who is super kind and professional. She leads the office with a great attitude and demeaner and leads by example. She always makes me feel seen and heard ​​and I know I can come to her for anything I need or may have questions about.

I’d like to nominate Amy Rippel, she is the Supervisor of Housekeeping. The hospital contracted a different company for cleaning our department and it was consistently not getting done and we had major salt built up on our floors and hard water stains from patients coming in and out. The company left this place in pretty bad shape and it was to the point that we were vacuuming or trying to clean the floors with towels ourselves. As soon as we let Amy know what was going on, she contacted the company and spoke with them. And then checked for three days that they were cleaning, which they did come and clean but it was bare minimum. So Amy came back that day and deep cleaned the whole department-she spent almost two hours going to great lengths and details and the place looks amazing!! Our patients noticed right away and continue to comment on how much better it all looks. Amy went above and beyond and am so impressed that as a supervisor she herself made sure the job was done when it wasn’t even the hospitals job in the first place, it was another companies. The care and commitment she showed impressed me and am so grateful she was willing to go to such lengths!! Thank you

Serenity Richards is our unit supervisor, but she takes on so very much more than what a normal supervisor would.
Before becoming our supervisor, Serenity was our unit educator. She would continue to work one night a week on the floor, while making sure the staff on the unit maintains certifications, meets monthly education requirements, organizes and runs skills days, writes and edits unit policies, maintains new hire competencies, and is always bombarded with a number of questions from the women's center staff due to her extensive knowledge base and approachable personality.
After becoming the unit supervisor, Serenity maintained the role of unit educator, and also does bedside nursing a minimum of one shift a week. She can be found at the patient bedside far more often than that though, being pulled from her administrative duties to help the nurses out with baby catching or laboring patients. Serenity often times takes her work home with her, always staying on top of her emails, staff questions, manager requests, and education duties.
There is rarely a time that Serenity is asked a question that she doesn't know the answer to. She is a wealth of knowledge, and has done such a wonderful job for the women's center during the expansion and drop in gestation. She attends perinatal meetings, communicating with the providers to ensure the unit is a well oiled machine for both the patient's safety and provider preferences. She spent so much time creating new order sets in the anticipation of antepartum and high risk patients with the unit expansion. This took hours and hours of meeting with providers to gain a better understanding of how they want the order sets, then working with POC to turn these long meetings into functional Cerner orders. She then took on the role of educating the entire unit on these new policies, orders, and charting changes. She made quick grab binders to help the staff during the adjustment period.
The drop in gestation and unit expansion was a big change for both the women's center and NICU departments. This type of change can be very stressful and time consuming, with unhappy staff, providers, patients, and administration as a result. Serenity played a pivotal role in a smooth transition, providing the education, communication, evaluation, and dedication we needed during this time. I feel like both labor and delivery/postpartum and the NICU have absolutely BLOWN AWAY the changes placed in front of us. If anyone had doubts or apprehensions about how we would handle this all, Serenity was here to make sure we proved them wrong and did an amazing job. She helped us to see that, while scary, we could ABSOLUTELY do this. She is such an important piece to our unit, and doesn't get the recognition she deserves. She takes on so, so much, and truly is "committed to excellence". She barely sleeps, works hard, is approachable, dependable, a great communicator, is driven, and truly cares about the Mountain View Hospital Women's Center staff, patients, providers, and our success.
This nomination doesn't even do Serenity enough justice, because she takes on so many tasks and responsibilities that I can't even list them all here. Please consider her for your Commitment to Excellence Award, she truly deserves to be recognized for all that she has done to make this unit everything it is.

2nd Nomination

I wanted to nominate Serenity Richards for this award. She works WAY too much and WAY too hard for our labor and Delivery Unit to keep things running smoothly. She is currently filling the role as both a supervisor (essentially fulfilling all duties of an assistant nurse manager), she acts as unit educator, and she fills in constantly as a floor nurse (especially on night shifts.) She writes policies, orients everyone and essentially solves any and all problems that the unit has. She works 70-80 hours a week on the regular. She does all of this while having 3 little ones of her own at home. I don't know how she does it!!! But if anyone represents a commitment to excellence...IT is her!!! Thank you!!!

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06/01 BREANNE DOMINGUEZ Community Care-West Side
06/01 NICOLE JENSEN Grand Teton
06/01 ITZIA GARCIA Creekside Surgery Center
06/01 JEANETTE NUKAYA Human Resources
06/02 ALY BROWN Prescription Center Infusions
06/02 WYATT WANSTROM Pain Specialists of ID
06/02 DEVIN MARROTT Rocky Mountain Spine and Sport
06/02 MARISSA MAIERS Surgery
06/02 ALMA MENDOZA Housekeeping
06/02 CAMI BAKER Housekeeping
06/03 STEPHANIE ORTENSI Teton Cancer Institute
06/03 BRITNEE CAMPBELL BMC/Johanson Surgery
06/03 LEE-AMBER JESSEN Brad Erikson
06/03 JORDYN GODDARD Community Care-Pocatello
06/03 KATHE KINDRED Business Office
06/03 CARLOS CHAVEZ Business Office
06/04 TYLER OLSEN Surgery
06/04 LISA FUNK Housekeeping
06/04 AMY MORSE Finance
06/05 MELANIE PIEPER Blackfoot Pain Clinic
06/05 HOLLY BEAUCHAT Urology Associates of Idaho Fa
06/05 JACQUELINE SOLIS Housekeeping
06/05 ALLISON SARGENT Business Office
06/06 BRENDA FLOYD Speech Therapy
06/06 JANET WIRKUS Quality Resources
06/06 SKYLAR PARK Housekeeping
06/07 SHIREEN VANORDEN BMC/Johanson Surgery
06/08 TERESA HILL Business Office
06/08 JAMIE CALL Administration
06/09 BRIAN OSTERMAN Pharmacy
06/09 CELESTE NADAULD Quality Resources
06/09 BENJAMIN SAYRE Pain Specialists of ID
06/09 MELANIE BRONSON Community Care-Channing
06/09 JAMES STEEL MedSurg
06/10 ANGELA WHITE Grand Teton Gastroenterology
06/10 HALLIE DIAZ Labor & Delivery
06/10 MALLELA PEREZ Business Office
06/10 TYSON BYBEE Business Office
06/11 DARBY WILLIAMS Teton Cancer Institute
06/11 RACHEL WOOD Idaho Falls Arthritis Clinic
06/11 PAULA CASEY BMC/Johanson Surgery
06/11 EMMA HAMBLIN Surgery
06/11 CINDY BELL Housekeeping
06/11 TAYLOR ANDRUS Business Office
06/11 JOSLYNN BARNES Health Information Management
06/12 JACQUALINE DARRINGTON Teton Cancer Institute
06/12 JULIE MCMURTREY Purchasing
06/12 TAYLOR OTTESON Pocatello ENT
06/12 LORIE PETERSON Housekeeping
06/13 PAIGE HULSE Labor & Delivery
06/13 LESLIE LUKE Physician Management Services
06/14 JENNIFER PARTRIDGE Pain Specialists of ID
06/14 VINCENT ASTLE Rocky Mountain Spine and Sport
06/14 REBECCA CORBETT Business Office
06/15 DEBRA TAYLOR Blackfoot Medical Laboratory
06/15 JESSICA CARTER Pain Specialists of ID
06/15 MIKKI TURMAN Pain Specialists of ID
06/15 JEFF BROCKETT Pocatello ENT
06/15 MICKEY DUPONT Labor & Delivery
06/16 SONIA ESTRADA Housekeeping
06/16 SHEENA KOERNER Physician Management Services
06/17 ROBIN RIGGINS Speech Therapy
06/17 LISA WERNER Channing Redicare Clinic
06/17 ANNETTE LUND Pain Specialists of ID
06/17 JANA DALBY Peri-Op
06/18 SARAH RIBARDI Radiology
06/18 BRIANNE PROUSE Radiology
06/18 PAULINE BURDEN Quality Resources
06/18 TANESHA BAUTISTA Grand Teton Gastroenterology
06/18 EDWARD DAVIS Housekeeping
06/19 RACHEL COOK Wound Care
06/19 BRUCE PETERSON Pulmonary Function Test
06/20 COLE LANDON Channing Redicare Clinic
06/20 JESSICA CLARK BMC/Johanson Surgery
06/20 KURT STOCKS Surgery
06/20 LETICIA PERKINS Housekeeping
06/21 NANCY OLER Teton Cancer Institute
06/21 HAYLIE RUSHER Purchasing
06/21 DEVRI BURNELL Community Care-Rigby
06/21 MOLLY JENSEN Community Care-Channing
06/21 DENISE ALEXANDER Community Care-Channing
06/21 KELSEY MASON Community Care-West Side
06/21 SHONDA QUEEN Peri-Op
06/21 BRITTNI MESSENGER Labor & Delivery
06/21 KATIE SHIPPEN Population Health
06/22 JANELLE WERTZ PIC Chubbuck
06/23 APRIL GRAY Pharmacy
06/23 MICHAEL BROOKS Quality Resources
06/23 ISAAC MOWERS MedSurg
06/24 JAKE MAUGHAN Respiratory Therapy
06/24 ALEXIS BROWN Pain Specialists of ID
06/25 LORILYN RASMUSSEN CC Rexburg Lab & Imaging
06/25 CINDY HAMMON Peri-Op
06/25 MELANIE BEARD Labor & Delivery
06/26 ANNA GROOM Sleep Specialists
06/26 LORI MICHELLE BANNER Blackfoot Medical Imaging
06/26 LIZZIE LANGSTON Mountain View Infusion Service
06/26 HANNAH TALAMANTEZ Quality Resources
06/26 KASSIE RUBERRY Grand Teton Gastroenterology
06/26 ALYSSA HUNTER Creekside Surgery Center
06/26 AMANDA COOK Housekeeping
06/26 CHRISTIAN WHITNEY Administration
06/27 DANIELLE BANGERTER Channing Redicare Clinic
06/27 EMILY GOODMAN Channing Redicare Clinic
06/27 SADIEMAE THOMAS Grand Teton Gastroenterology
06/27 KAYLA MCCABE Community Care-Rigby
06/27 SHELBY HENRIE Surgery
06/28 ANTON NELSON Radiology
06/28 HOLLY MURRAY Grand Teton Gastroenterology
06/28 EMILEE LARSON Community Care-Rexburg
06/28 KRIS HAMMON Physical Plant
06/28 SARAH WALTERS Population Health
06/29 SANDRA FRANCKE Radiation Oncology
06/29 JENNIFER WEILER Quality Resources
06/29 TIA MORRELL Channing Redicare Clinic
06/29 EMILY DALTON Pain Specialists of ID
06/29 MCKENZIE PURCELL Community Care-Rigby
06/29 AMY ANDRUS Peri-Op
06/30 ROBERTO LABRA Purchasing
06/30 KRYSTON CARLING Pharmacy
06/30 MARY JULIENE JOHNSON Speech Therapy
06/30 CHELSEA COOLEY Quality Resources
06/30 BAYLIE LEATHAM Community Care-Rexburg
06/30 ASHLIE HALL Community Care-Rigby
06/30 ELENA LENGYEL Housekeeping

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