Ongoing healthcare needs are not suddenly put on hold because of a global health pandemic. Patients still need medication refills, ongoing checkups and specialists to help them address their overall wellness. Mountain View Hospital and its affiliated clinics are working hard to ensure we are still here to care for all of our patients. We understand during this time of uncertai ...

Update on Stay-at-Home Order
Idahoans who need medical care can continue to see their doctor under Governor Brad Little’s stay-at-home order. Governor Little announced the order on Wednesday as part of his efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Idaho. Medical facilities are not impacted by the order and will remain open to serve patients. “Doctors are in the best position to understand how to treat the ...

Update for Expecting Moms
No matter what is happening in the world, babies will still be born. We recognize if you are an expecting mother, you probably have many questions regarding COVID-19 and we want to do our best to help you understand how the virus may impact your delivery. Please know Mountain View Hospital is taking all of the necessary precautions to keep you and your baby safe during the COV ...

March 19th Update
We understand news of the COVID-19 pandemic is unsettling. Understandably, many community members are taking extra steps to reduce their chance of catching the virus. However, to stay healthy, you need to make sure you are addressing all of your health needs.If you have a chronic health condition or need medical attention, the team at Mountain View Hospital wants to reassure yo ...

Update on Surgeries
As there continue to be new developments with COVID-19, we thought it was important to provide you with an update on surgery at Mountain View Hospital. At this time, our hospital and our providers are working together to assess the needs of each patient individually. Every corner of the country is facing unique situations, local doctors and hospitals are in the best position to ...

March 17th Update
We know many of you are feeling scared about the coronavirus – especially if you do not feel well. Remember, while the virus is spreading across the country, so are many cases of the common cold and flu. If you are sick right now, it does not necessarily mean you have the coronavirus. We recognize some of you may want to be tested for COVID-19. However, tests are in short supp ...